Friday, July 14, 2006

stupid sis

boy am i glad my sister is graduating AFTER me.
sorta puts it all in order, doesn't make me look so bad in the end. haha

vic's granny had angina (chest pain) and when hooked onto the ECG (a weird machine) it showed that she had atrial ectopic beats ( extra random beats from your heart that doesn't follow the normal pattern)

so they saw a cardiologist (doc who specialises in the hearty stuff) whom told them that granny has to be hospitalised on monday and get an angiogram (thingy that looks at the heart) to see how well heart is.

if heart is not too good, they will do an angioplasty (op to insert wire like thing into coronary arteries to get it checked) and if there is narrowing of the arteries they might put a stent in to correct the blood flow.

whilst everything sounds simple and dandy if it goes according to plan, complications can arise and granny might get sicker over the weekend.

procedures always sounds simple but i swear it is so shit-scary!

vic is supposed to delay his flight to look after granny.

and if he does, i am going to perform a one (w0)man show bringing onnray and clarinda around.

i am so not up to it!

*daph screams for help*

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