Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I have one!... whilst other people's moleskines hold great ideas, beautiful sketches and stuff that would be made into moving stories and movies...

Mine's mainly as a paper reminder to my slightly forgetful brain. Hehe.
The first entry would probably reflect what I have to do today, and would go something like:

Things to do:
Summary session for this Friday
Anaesthesia PBL for next week
Invites for party
?Rehab Writeup

Oooo. This is going to be so fun.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

things that caught my eyes.. help!

so very geeky.
so very cute!

the molecular structure of caffeine is represented in this cool pendant. the solid metal round are carbon (C) and the hollow metal rounds are oxygen (O). Big orange circles are nitrogen (N) and small orange bits are hydrogen (H).
Perfect for a
caffeine addict! (me)

This ebony and pearly earrings are just perfect for the dinner out with some great friends! or with a special someone!

Classy without being too overwhelming.

ahhh. nice spacious summery bag.

good for all the crap that a medical student should be carrying! notebook, stethoscope, hospital ID, stationery, notes, etc etc.

simple and sweet earrings!
for everyday wear!

and i like the mix of green and teal. plus the teeny flowers... whee!

ok end of my online window shopping.
back to rehab writeup! :(

Thursday, April 24, 2008

last work day of the week! woo hoo!

It's ANZAC day tomorrow man. Even though I don't particularly celebrate it but I guess it's still great to have a public holiday anytime man. I did however, wake up early once in 2nd year I think to watch the dawn service on the telly. Anyhow, I think it's a more symbolic and meaningful holiday than say Adelaide Cup?

Spent the entire Wednesday at Hampstead Rehab. Was not especially productive but I guess at least I saw a few things. My patient, whom I am following up for my rehabilitation write up, is really nice. I think stroke is indeed a bad way to be living with a disability. My poor patient may be extremely mobile but the problems with his speech is causing him much anguish and frustration. I'm hoping he gets much improved in the following weeks of rehab since he has already shown a significant amount of improvement to date.

Anyhow, the thing with Hampstead was.. it left me so damn tired. I came home and just felt spaced out despite attempting to re-charge with a can of redbull. ugh. Oh well... but 9 hours of sleep is OH SO GOOD. (swoons) heh heh

Ok dokes, back to falls. -.-

Friday, April 18, 2008

the making of a great day

you only appreciate a great day..

1. when you spent the day before stuck with a bad migraine + nausea + vomitting + photophobia and you had to curl up in bed sick like anything from the migraine.
2. because u are feeling well rested from a 10 hour long deep sleep.
3. as soon as you wake up, you want to DO something and LIVE!
4. after u clean the bathroom until it sparkles.. every single damn thing inside the bathroom is CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN.
5. when you realise the next 6 weeks.. u are stuck in a silly rotation called ACC2. so seize the weekend!
6. when you can sit in a cafe for as long as u like, sipping away at the coffee.
7. when you have a great sit down dinner with your close mates!

Monday, April 14, 2008

powdered coins anyone?

mEi~mEi says:
hahahahahhah~! oki oki

mEi~mEi says:

mEi~mEi says:

zickzen says:

zickzen says:

mEi~mEi says:
yahlorh~ 66.10 ma?

zickzen says:
i want 9.3339 cents exact okie

zickzen says:

mEi~mEi says:

mEi~mEi says:

zickzen says:
good stuff

zickzen says:

mEi~mEi says:
i'll break the coins into pieces

mEi~mEi says:

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

no incision appendicectomy?

(click on pic to link)

i think most of you have heard news about it before.. but this is a pretty cool article anyhow. (if you are interested)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

happy happy 32 months!!

from quaint little barossa valley...

round the other side of the world to bustling London..

wandering around KL..

sipping coffee in a small lane in Melbourne..

to your crazy wine sprees in Perth...

I'm so glad to have you with me.
happy happy many months baby!
here's to even more! :)


Monday, April 07, 2008

what a weekend.

I was corridor marshal-ing at the AMC (Australian Medical Council) clinical examination for foreign trained doctors. It was a full day thing and I earned 160 bucks from it, just from directing people from one place to another. You have no idea how difficult it was to 'follow the red line on the ground to the next station'.

Many stranded and panicky doctors, to say the least.

Lucky Daphne was there to rescue them from the possible plight of getting lost in the middle of a clinical examination. te he he.

During the rest stations, I asked the candidates where they were from originally AND where they are working at the moment. The candidates are from anywhere and everywhere.. India (mostly), China, Malaysia, Singapore, Nepal, Germany, Argentina... so varied. Yet when they sit for an exam, it's uncanny how similar their reaction and behaviour can be.

Getting jumpy when the bell goes off, concentrating hard as one reads the question stuck firmly on the wall, knocking politely on entering the door. Even as a bystander, I could sense how stressful the atmosphere was. Understandably of course, I always feel the same before my dreaded OSCE.

Anyhow, it was quite an interesting day as I get to be in the setting of an examination from a different perspective. I got to read the questions and I wandered from station to station without much stress or anxiety in me. I knew some of the examiners and role players, everyone was chatting endlessly during lunch. It was really good. :)

Hopefully I get to do it again in September as a role player. It would be fun me thinks. :)

Friday, April 04, 2008


i think they should change the system. instead of one semester of MSAs and ACC2 (which is not very busy) and another semester of O&G and Paeds (damn busy).. they should mix and match. like in a proposed semester:

do like an O&G, followed by say 3 MSAs.
next sem do Paeds, and ACC2 and 1 MSA.

makes more sense? so people who are doing O&G and Peads right before the final barrier exam.. don't have to freak out and start studying their other components of the curriculum eons in advance. it's like they have no common sense, those people running the curriculum and designating when our holidays and rotations are meant to me.

anyhow, orthogeries.. is starting to feel abit repetitive.
inclusion criteria: >65 years old, low-trauma fall, sustained fractured NOF (neck of femur ie hip fracture)
other stuff that usually goes along with it: diseases of the heart/kidneys/lungs +/- current infections in the lungs/urinary tract

at least i have been seeing some common signs. heard a few interesting chest sounds.. heart murmurs.. have a patient with possible frontal-lobe dementia (very very interesting)

other than that, i get free coffee almost every day (wheee!) so that a huge plus plus for me. keeps me happy and awake. :)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

this is week 10 of school.

9 more weeks to go before I'm home bound! :)

my ortho-geries consultant is SHO NICE.
approachable, friendly, knowledgeable, humorous, .. and best of all..

she gives me one-on-one TUTORIALS!

wah, she's like harrison's come alive..except she is concise and makes things so simple to comprehend. i'm really lucky to have her for 3 weeks.

maybe things really do fall in place if you trust and have a little faith.

no rural gp? well.. here comes a chance for you to meet this great doctor!

things do come together at the end of the day. and i'm really glad it did :)