Friday, April 04, 2008


i think they should change the system. instead of one semester of MSAs and ACC2 (which is not very busy) and another semester of O&G and Paeds (damn busy).. they should mix and match. like in a proposed semester:

do like an O&G, followed by say 3 MSAs.
next sem do Paeds, and ACC2 and 1 MSA.

makes more sense? so people who are doing O&G and Peads right before the final barrier exam.. don't have to freak out and start studying their other components of the curriculum eons in advance. it's like they have no common sense, those people running the curriculum and designating when our holidays and rotations are meant to me.

anyhow, orthogeries.. is starting to feel abit repetitive.
inclusion criteria: >65 years old, low-trauma fall, sustained fractured NOF (neck of femur ie hip fracture)
other stuff that usually goes along with it: diseases of the heart/kidneys/lungs +/- current infections in the lungs/urinary tract

at least i have been seeing some common signs. heard a few interesting chest sounds.. heart murmurs.. have a patient with possible frontal-lobe dementia (very very interesting)

other than that, i get free coffee almost every day (wheee!) so that a huge plus plus for me. keeps me happy and awake. :)

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