Saturday, September 09, 2006


i have not written a 'proper' entry for a long while.
sorry for the lack of photos. been abit lazy to upload pictures and all.

guess my tutor was right. It's the mid-semester blues that everyone is facing. the lack of motivation to do your work zealously, the flattened affect you dispose onto others. and the yearn for the magical 2 week break to be here right away.

Lucky the adelaide city council got smart and now, we have weekend markets on rundle street on saturdays! it's not as big a scale as say, the salamanca market in tasmania or the paddy's market in sydney. but still, its a nice way to spend your saturday morning. munching on pinched bits of the sourdough loaf you just bought from the guy who proudly acclaims he was kneading this very loaf whilst you were still sound asleep. Taking in the breaths of sausages slowing browning on the barbeque grill, mixed with the mystical scents of indian spices oozing out from the tandoori chicken.. your senses come alive.

and the market is a great place to see how nice people can be. the lady whom i bought my cheesecake and polish crisp bread from gave me a free date cake! which she proudly claims its her best cake. and after vic and i fought over who gets the last bit of the date cake...yes her date cake is so yummilicious! it's a hybrid between a cake and a sticky date pudding. it was moist, sweet and had enough dates.

that's enough market adventures for this week.

maybe next week i will arm myself with a camera before i head for the market! haha

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