Saturday, June 23, 2007

main course or dessert?

when choosing a life partner, do you prefer a main course or a dessert?

The 'main course' guy might not be perfect but he's nice enough. He makes you feel hearty and warm after each encounter. You feel like you can not do without him, just as living a life with skipped meals is unhealthy and lacking. He can be a little different, like rice for noodles. but they are nonetheless made up of the same blocks of starch if you notice. He will be steadfast, he will be around for a long time.

The 'dessert' guy is tasty, sweet, nice and yummy. He leaves you wanting for more, he lingers in your thoughts long after you wave good bye to him. he does not fill you up, if you have too much of him, it might be too potent for your good. It might leave you hurt, and just like desserts, it might not always be good for you.

so is dessert or main course better?
is it possible to find a guy who is both?
can love be simply classified as such? or is there a main course and dessert in all of us?

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