Thursday, June 12, 2008

the holidays progress..

and it's almost the end of the 2nd week of the holidays! how dreadful!

it's been a whirlwind of meeting up with friends, catching up with family and just slacking and being me. my study notes have been sitting in one corner waiting for me to read them. but it's so distracting to be at home.. and not have fun!...

more discipline is required!

and.. is 24 the magic age where people start quizzing you about marriage? Everyone i swear, from my demented and very cute granny to my friends and ..even vic's DAD. oh my goodness. The pressure is on.. the weird thing is, vic and i don't seem to care so much about it as much as everyone else's is. This is bewildering.

i just wanna pass 5th year!..the rest can wait. I seriously cannot wait for this year to be over.

going to be a packed weekend! yippe! plus shopping with mum and lotte.. woo hoo. enough blabbering. off to.. play :)

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