Saturday, October 14, 2006

the aftermath

when i open my mouth, i can see 2 neat stitches sitting at the back of the L row of teeth. gums are still tender and swollen, but i guess that is acceptable. i think the pain was worst right after the LA wore off and before the panadeine kicked in. it was like.."OH GOOSSSH". and i think the best painkiller of them all is ...SLEEP. somehow when u sleep you cant feel the pain. so i sorta slept my friday away.

so far it's been pretty sore, and my jaw muscles have been ultra contracted, resulting in me being unable to open my mouth wide.

and i dunno how my twinnie manages to eat rice and stuff.. i had smoothie for dinner last night and another smoothie for lunch today. dinner i had porridge. very ermm smooth meals. lol i guess i am afraid of having little bits of food stuck in my wound. i think that is horrifying and disgusting.

the freakiest bit of the surgery was when the dentist yanks the tooth out. you can still feel the pressure, and u can see the dentist using his strength to remove the stubborn tooth. the only thing is you cannot feel sharp pain. (pain and pressure receptors are different) the pressure feeling sorta freaked me out. thank god for lignocaine! wheee! :) and thank goodness vic was there, to hear me squirm the life out of me and make funny faces at the dentist. yah but moral support: very impt!

so yar.. hopefully more solid foods soon.

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