Tuesday, October 16, 2007

crazy weather.

it was 29degree yesterday. and it's going to be 31degs on thurs!.. gosh.

radiation oncology is so slack!... i could get used to this pace of life. heh. just plenty of planning in the CT simulator suite.. supervise administration of treatment.. consults with patients in clinics..it's mostly a 9-5 job. you still get proper patient contact. you are still a specialist in a field.

and something i didnt really know.. is that for all solid tumours (ie: minus the leukemias and lymphomas and a few other cancers) - 50% are cured by surgery, 48% by radiation and 2% by chemotherapy. and in alot of palliative cases, radiation can provide good symptomatic control, especially for pain. so it's not really doom and gloom :)

possible consideration as a future career? oh i dunno.. lemme deal with the damn exams first..whee!...

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