Monday, May 19, 2008

You can seriously find ANYTHING on youtube

Look what I found on youtube!

An extremely old theme song from an SBC (later called TCS..and now called mediacorp) drama titled 出人头地 (Which apparently translates to "the finishing line') I'm pretty sure I was barely 6 or 7 years old when it aired on the telly but this stupid song has haunted me from time to time! I always wondered where the heck I heard it now.. Now youtube has provided me with some closure to an almost life long mystery.

Check out how young the actors and actresses were! And check out how fashionable they are. hurhur. I think if you can get past the creepy hairdos and clothes.. you would come to appreciate how meaningful the lyrics are. Oh, plus how handsome and lean Li Nanxing used to be. I remembered my older cousin (who is 7 years older) reading the weekly magazine and cutting out his pictures whenever he was featured.

Ahhh.. such good times.

... I miss home a great deal.

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