Thursday, July 31, 2008

winter's still here!!!


Observed Case was alright. I passed!.. see, such low standards. hah. seriously, crawling and walking 14 mths old babies shouldn't be allowed to be exam specimens. they run around and you have to catch them, pacify them, make them breath so you can listen to their chest.

too much work man!

Got my assessment form signed off today.

"A Keen Student." -- eh, consultant... you sure not? Yah I guess was at times, but mostly I was just trying to NOT look disinterested. Murmurs get boring after listening to 20 similar "long systolic murmur, loudest at Left sternal edge.."

I saw a couple of malnourished babies in heart failure. and they look so tiny, starving almost. you can see the outline of their enlarged liver when they breathe in and out deeply. it's quite heart-wrenching. (pun NOT intended k) And they are in respiratory distress.. and it seems so hard for them to catch their breath.. poor lil things.

Anyhow, I was in the nursery today with the doc for some consults. He was telling me how I should visit the nursery often, "just to get an idea of what NOT to name your future kids." Seriously, the list of weird names is very long.

Some examples (sorry if that's your name or what you wanna call your kid..but i'm pretty traditional when it comes to names)

1. Jamain (variation of germaine? Not toooo bad)
2. Kyetrel (nurse commented mum mixed 3 names up to form this unique name)
3. Jaeda (likened to a jeidi?)
5. Leilani
6. Fade (?????????)

I'm not sure... but am I the only one who think these names are weird?!

Sigh. What a world we live in.

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