Thursday, November 27, 2008

writing things down now.

2 funny quotes. just for the meddies out there.

1. When performing a cranial nerve examination

Getting to Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)

Student: "Ok Sir, I need you to clench your jaw for me so that I can feel your muscles of masturbation."

NB: not me! and it's meant to be mastication.

and getting to Facial Nerve (CN VII)

Student: "Ok now, I need you to give me a big smile. That's it. Very good. Ok so I'm looking at the labial folds and checking for asymmetry."

NB: sometimes shortening phrases totally changes its meaning.


Jenna said...

HAHAHAH!! I'm sure i said those thing something during my med school years!

One more thing i can add is in thyroid exam: "I'm now looking for frightened FAECES"

daph said...


jenna, that is classic. rotfl.