Friday, March 24, 2006

the weekend!

yay! its friday! FINALLY. i thought this day would never come. i wanted to walk with victor to the soccer fields and hang around there for abit with the other girlfriends-who-got-dragged-out people. but i couldn't even make it to the 1st traffic light because it is scorching hot outside! the beams of rays feel like laser burning my skin. so i did a u-turn..and i'm now sucking ice cubes and very comfy in front of the computer. ho ho ho.

it's only another 2 weeks to the mid term break!! i am soo excited. in the first week, vic's dad is coming for a golf holiday. and i leave 2 days later to meet my mum and sis in tasmania for our grand aussie scenic tour. i forsee alot of fresh seafood ingestion too, since tassie is well known for its extremely fresh salmon, oysters, sallops, fish, fish, fish, shellfish, .... yeah. my seafood vocabulary is quite limited. but u get my point. and seafood is cheaper too! sounds like a dream come true. fresh n cheap. heh heh

hmm my PBL group is functioning at 75% max at each tutorial. this one guy had a surfing accident, and is currently nursing a kidney infection. so he's been MIA-ing for quite a long while. the other girl hasn't been appearing and we think she might be taking the year off or something. o.o strange. and there's another 2 kids in my group who are transfer students (one from monash, and the other from uni of leichester in UK). so.. we don't really get too much done, despite the fact that i think i have a good tutor this semester. you never get the best of everything i suppose. -.-

alrighty. shall mop around until dinner time. claypot rice for dinner!!! :) YAY

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