Thursday, April 06, 2006

the rain has started

damn it. the rain is here!!!! and it just WOULDNT go away. i hate walking in the rain. especially when you need to get from point A (house) to point B (med school). it's disgusting to go for class drenched and soaked. ahhhh. perfect reason for not leaving the house i tell ya.

i can almost smell the holidays!! :) 2 essay due, one tmr and another one on friday.. both done!! i'm SHO SHO SHO proud of myself. first time ever, finishing assignments on time. congratulations daphie. vic! jiayou! you can finish it too *hugs*

tmr evening.. we are going to celebrate adrian's 21st! very exciting, going for indian food. and a large party too - 15 friends in all. i just hope we wun scare the rest of the customers away. heh.

friday - off day from uni!!!! MUAHAHA. plan to go shopping. walk around and you know, RELAX.. i'm supposed to cook for victor and i. but i dunno how or what..

saturday - yvonne's housewarming. her house is damn warmed loh. they moved in 1 year AGO! finally, i thought she would never have one. lol.

that's enough fun stuff for now.

time to zzzzz.

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