Sunday, May 14, 2006

aussie trip - Mount field national park,etc

Top Row:
Mum and sis standing between 2 halves of a fallen big tree. We were in Mount Field national park. alot of interesting plants and stuff around.

Horseshoe Falls - notice the shape! No wonder they named it so. Mount Field National Park too.

Russell Falls. - a bigger more magnificent falls. Also in the same park

Middle Row (L-R)
The interior of a fallen big log. SO BIGGGG!

Along the river Derwent. Water was so still the reflections were so clear! o.o

Lake St Clair. Deepest Lake in Australia.

LAst Row:
Some fast water flowing near to the Lake st clair.

Button Grass. named so coz the tip of the grass looks like a button. there were millions of them in tasmania MAN...

View from the top of a mountain!! wow wow.

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