Friday, August 17, 2007

feng shui :/

poor jess :( she has been so sick! nausea and vomitting.. diarrhoea and abdominal pain. we brought her into the ED just now. waited about 1.5 hours to see a doc who told us that she got gastroenteritis, as though we couldn't figure that out ourselves. gave her fluids and IV maxalon. she seems slightly better. at least more hydrated. anyway its 3am now and that's the story of why im still online at this hour.


we were talking quite abit in the ED and we really think this year has been a bad luck year for so many of our friends. let me do a little list

Martini - 'moving appendix' which turned out to be a rupture cyst
Ian - ankle fracture thus handicapped for several weeks
Hans - 4th MCP fracture thus cannot punch people.
Chris - appendicitis
Alfred - gastroenteritis....


we need to change our feng shui already.

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