Tuesday, December 25, 2007

back from outerspace!

yeah japan may only be 7 hours away from little old singapore but once you land on it, you feel like you are miles and miles away. Everything is different, every experience is new and exhilarating. From the types of vending machines they offer, to the fresh seafood, great biscuits and chocolates, hell even the milk tasted better.

I just you just have to be there to feel the difference. Or maybe the bitter and cold winter got to my head. haha. I gotta upload the pics soon but I have to do a million other little errands for now. so hang in there folks.

Anyway a weird thing happened. My Maths tutor from NJC (Mr Chan Yew Fook) ADDED ME ON FACEBOOK! gosh, you can't run and hide anywhere with these new techy internetish stuff we use these days. not that I have anything against Mr Chan, in fact I think he was a brilliant tutor, partly responsible for our class performing so well in that subject. (the other parts are hard work and a little bit of brains) but it's just a teeny bit weird chatting on facebook with a previous figure of authority I suppose.

Enough crap. Just for those of you who don't know (including me up to 2 days ago or sth), you can actually check your banding for the papers in the 4th year exams (MEQ, MCQ and OSCE). Just log onto the MLTU website and look under course assessment. I think most people know it already but I thought I'd better do a 'public' announcement.

and that's that for now. Need to sort alot of other things. seeya! :)

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