Saturday, October 18, 2008


You see, I come from the land afar called SINGAPORE.
Singapore is humid, sticky, warm with some months going bonkers where it rains NON stop and umbrellas are useless creations.

So you know, I'm not that unfeeling towards bad weather.

BUT seriously, the HEAT in adelaide can fry flies! and dry out eyeballs.
oh gawd.
if we have to go through with the heat wave again this summer, i will perish. along with the other thousands of fried flies.

We usually have our exams in mid november when it can be warm and summery again. BUT this year it is at the END of november.

say hello to heat.

oh gawd i hate this.


Jenna said...

i hate the hot too!! >.<
thank god i am going to beijing for australia summer...but it's gonna be freezing there!! Where is the happy medium?!

daph said...

i noe.. it's so bad isn't it!
today was pretty bad! :(

beijing winter would be so nice compared to this!