Thursday, October 23, 2008

the rubbish test called a viva.

The O&G viva must have been one of the most traumatising exam experience I have ever had in my ENTIRE schooling life.

Thankfully I passed, others were not so lucky.
Yes I admit that there were some student factors that I could improve on for future examinations but I have MANY MANY grievances towards the setup, patient choice and examiner choice for the viva.

1. My stupid patient's main problem was NOT related to obstetrics OR gynaecology.
She was under-going freaking chemotherapy for a large B cell lymphoma and was thus taken OFF hormone replacement therapy. So when I asked her why she was here, she was in her own words

"oh, just wondering if I could get restarted on that HRT"

Where was I supposed to go from there?
I assessed her suitability for HRT (heart disease, liver disease, breast cancer etc etc)
and asked her if she previously had side effects from HRT.. etc etc.

And after I presented the case to the examiner, his first comment was

"why did you not palpate for ALL the lymph nodes in her body, especially since you knew she has lymphoma?"

GAWD. In my defence, I did palpate those in her neck and axilla cause I freaking examined her breasts. But seriously, A full body workup for her?

The day before, most of the students got obstetrics patients with REAL obstetrics problems.

2. Stupid Examiners
Please choose examiners that are not L-field, extremists who do not believe in the SA Perinatal Guidelines. I mean, why else do people develop guidelines then?

Whilst being quizzed on cord prolapse..
I mentioned ALL the damn measures in the guidelines.

Examiner frowned, and said "where did you learn that from? Your patient's baby is dead"
Me: perinatal guidelines
Examiner: Do not believe everything you read young girl.

Also, please choose examiners who have a patent and working auditory pathway.

I had to repeat my surgical procedure for a Bartholin's abscess like 500 TIMES. (and PS: everyone knows how loud i speak)

Examiner: so what is the name of the procedure?
Me: Marsupialisation
Examiner: so you have incision, excision, what else?
Me: Marsupialisation..
Examiner: ok, one last chance, it has something to do with Australia's favourite animal.
Examiner: YES! you got it. good.


1 comment:

Jenna said...

Owww Poor Daphe!! Hope the OSCE tomorrow would be better!!