Thursday, December 18, 2008

i'm lovin' it.

After all that exam results saga has calmed down, a group of us gathered at ian's spanky new place for a good old fashioned charcoal bbq last night. lots of delicious food prepared by his family. the night ended with a round of uno stacko, which our poor kristin probably took out like 50% of the thangs.. she was yelling in despair everytime the persons next to her drew a 'reverse'. haha..

Things on the London front is getting more and more promising. We have arranged most of the things that we have to - trains, accom, transport, musicals, manchester... oh goodness. it's going to be a wonderful trip! I really love the atmosphere in London, even though my mum thinks it's grimmy and gloomy with too many dark skinned people around. So glad I stuck to my choice to do my elective in London. Yay! some stage. they are all over FB though.

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