Saturday, December 17, 2005

i love fridae!

spent a nice time at the pool swimming. i don't know but if i ever have to name a single sport that i really enjoy, it has got to be swimming. when you swim, you don't have to make small talk with others (simply because u can't when you are under water). you don't have to worry about perspiration and smelling like socks. you use your arms and legs and back and lungs and just about everything that constitutes your body ie: you get a total workout.

im like 2 shades darker. o.o don't know if im supposed to be happy or not. i think the older you get, the more pro-white you become. and a dark complexion is not really good for makeup, in my opinion. ohh ohh...

i paid a visit to my cousin. she just got married and she has her own house now! i am so happy for her. the renovations were pretty nicely done. alot of greys, dark brown. very zen to me. and her fridge is filled with japanese goodies from her honeymoon recently. my sister and i raided her fridge. melon flavoured pocky (yum), green tea ice cream (yum yum), and white choc biscuit.... ok that's all i had! really!

vic's aunt says i look smart. i don't know if that's a compliment or not? smart like do-well-in-school-goody-two-shoes? or smart like she-knows-too-much-for-her-own-good? or smart like look-smart-but-dunno-really-smart-or-not? sigh.

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