Saturday, August 12, 2006

pudding time!

Hmm, what is that yellow mushy thing in the bowl???

You will invariably find it at a dim sum restaurant.
Very popular with the Hong Kong folks
It's made from a tropical fruit.

Mango pudding!

Alright guys, this mango pudding turned out SO GOOD. like it is so silky smooth. and the mango taste just burst in your mouth like a firecracker.

A pity that i did not add any cut mango bits into the pudding. I was.. running abit low on mangoes so all the mango that I had ended up in the pudding.

Some of you might wonder "australia now so cold where got mangoes?"
Well, you are right. It isn't really mango time now.
But I found some mangoes from Mexico! Which were plump, yellow and juicy. Even though they weren't really that sweet.. but who cares, it ended up in the pudding anyhow.

Ta-da! Mango Pudding!

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