Wednesday, January 30, 2008

i have only lasted 2 days of school.

the hospital that i am currently doing my PICU elective is 35 minutes brisk walk away from my home. it's probably pointless to take public transport because all that waiting for the bus and changing from bus A to B would most likely outweigh the walking time record. I realised, since I walk at about 7ish in the morning, it is pretty cool and there's this nice morning breeze in the air. However when afternoon rolls in, it is extremely painful to walk in the sweltering heat. The sun is scorching, there is no wind and your eyes feel like it is succumbing to the UV rays.

Well, I have another 12 rounds of walking to do (this rotation is 3 weeks long) so I either start getting used to the walking OR find myself some alternative transport. Both of which is rather impossible.

So I am just going to shut up and continue the walk.

PICU has thus far been abit slow. Bed occupancy is only at about 50%, which means the consultants have tons of time on hand. Which literally translate to having more opportunity to quiz me on random paediatric facts for dummies version 1.0 AND actually deliver teaching. I spent 1+ hour yesterday re-learning about the mechanism of breathing, what determines compliance of the lungs.. etc. You get my drift. Was really good, especially in helping me grasp how the ventilating machines help PICU patients.

Speaking of which, PICU patients really tug at your emotional strings. There is almost nothing worse seeing a very ill child with tubes coming out of his tiny body and seeing his parents keep watch at his bedside. There is also this a whole wall of photos/collages of kids who have been through the doors of the PICU. Some of them struggled and survived a lifetime of a miserly few months, whilst some others managed to leave the PICU better and are still thriving. Be it kicking a soccer ball or learning how to paint - it really makes you think about how lucky you have been, especially if you have always been healthy and free from the clutches of medical treatment.

Oh wells, common program tomorrow. Can see classmates! yay!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

hey~! PICU sounds interesting! Lucky u get to exercise everyday. I am stuck at Geri listening to pressure ulcer lecture all day, while developing some pressure ulcers of my own.

You are right Daph, we should never take our relative perfect lives for granted!