Saturday, October 08, 2005


edit: i saved this draft from august 2005.. and i only chanced upon it today. lol

A - Z of things that matter to me:

A: aircon.
B: bolster.
C: charlotte. my silly crazy lotte. my sister whom i have a love-hate relationship with.
D: daddy.
E: exams. to pass them.
F: friends. all of you!! ;D
G: grandparents. hai. the endless source of good food, warm concerns and angbaos.
H: home.
I: ice cubes. to suck on during the hot weather.
J: jokes - to lighten days.
K: kit kat breaks in my life
L: lunch! the one meal i always pack....
M: medical degree. well at least for the next decade.
N: nonsense.
O: oranges and other fruits.
P: pens. and all my stationery.
Q: q-curosity. i very kay poh one.
R: redbull. to give me wings! ;D
S: socks. esp ankle socks.. and colourful stripped ones.
T: travel.
U:utopia... ie: dreamland in my sleep
V: victor!
W:water. to drink and keep me sane
X: xcitment!
Y: yoghurt. all sorts. slurp
Z:zzzzzzz. refer to letter U.

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