Tuesday, March 04, 2008

cardiology rox my sox! (not)

It's times like these.. I can finally get why some medical students/junior doctors fall in love with cardiology and would like to pursue it as a career option. It's intense, interesting and positive. You have the opportunity to do procedures - such as catheterizing, EP studies, ablation, blah blah. There are various investigations and imaging modalities that you can employ to aid management of your patients. There are so many drugs (and drug interactions) that you can fiddle around with.

Sorry to interrupt here, but that was not my acclamation of my love for cardiology. it's just an understanding that I've arrived at. and I think it's really cool! :)

With the completion of my case writeup.. I sense the end of the cardiology elective.

Met too many nice folks on this rotation. pretty glad about that! Sometimes I think Medicine is a vicious cycle of learning, teaching and re-learning. All that trading of information is really helpful in formulating your own opinions in the long run.

and for now.. i'm looking forward to melbourneeeeeee!! (double yay)

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