Sunday, March 16, 2008


i'm not going to be able to talk on and on about how wonderful melbourne is. most people already figure that out on their own. so i guess i'm just going to post up a couple of pics just for the heck of it. first up! laurent on little collins street. (click pic to check them out). I think it's a great place to hang out and have a slow afternoon. There's this very old-school french feel to the place. decent cakes and coffees... and they have macaroons!
and this is vickaroo. with his cup of latte. there ain't many pics of me because i was in charge of the camera.. so he gets very lazy.

oh chicken and avocado sandwich! yumyum. (vic's)

roast lamb and roast veges sandwich (mine) yumyumyum
and look below! post-sandwich indulges included a strawberry tart.. and a macaroon.

(click on pic for link to moonlight cinemas)

and on one of the days, we went for an outdoor screening of the movie, sweeney todd! it was held in the royal botanic gardens. there were tons of people, probably nearing a thousand or something. everyone brought their mats, sleeping bags, cushions.. we didn't. everyone else brought snacks and drinks.. we didn't. haha we were like total amateurs at it. lucky vic's friend (who invited us for the movie in the first place) prepared some mats and stuff. it was a pretty chilly night and i was clad in SHORTS. the only way i could take my mind off the freezing atmosphere was to really really concentrate very very hard on the movie.

and sweeney todd was pretty neat in my opinion. some of the songs are hilarious! especially 'the worst pies in london' and the one about the magical hair elixir. haha. ok. enough talk for now. look out for the next part of the melb pics!

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