Saturday, July 23, 2005

Harry's! This pub at Holland Village. A place where this weird couple plays old music and the table next to us were singing along. As usual, we were the youngest group of people around the place. Why? Because wala wala was too crowded and if we got in, we would be standing and being jostled around by everyone else. But still! we should go to wala wala next time around! Coz I haven't been there. Bleah.

Haha, the "I have ever.." game should go down in history as the game that Hong and Isaac lost. Amongst other it-shall-not-be-named things that we did before, it was a hilarious session. Forfeit was not too bad you know, just an innocent blend of sugar-rimmed magaritas, watered-down heneiken and other odds and ends like Men's pocky[ fidel you need some of these. it increases your man factor by a power of a gazillion *says daph in a low voice coz she ate too many of them last night]. Apparently it tasted good! omg. dang. why didn't i lose *daph scolds herself*

Sorry guys the next time I'm back I will organise something at my house. Mahjong, drinks and lots of fun ok? This break was just too short. My apologies. And hopefully in december, SOMEONE will come back to singapore from UK, huh??

Alrighty. I got to pack my laptop into my bag. Sob. Adios..... and I have to collect my exam paper on monday morning!!... and I got class at 10am. TMD... save me good lord.

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