Thursday, July 28, 2005

Since Miss Chuyun does not blog anymore.. I shall announce to the blog world that she is going off to Uni of Berkeley for exchange next semester!! I am so happy for her. everyone should go on exchange!! Maybe I could go over to US for a holiday eh? *thinks hard* Since I have another friend in Boston right now. But I think berkeley and boston is quite far away from each other. AH! who cares? we shall see. lol

Haha, tiff came over my place today and it was so funny coz we spent quite a while making a surprise thing for a special someone! It was hilarious and we were just laughing our toes off. Lol. I'm so thankful tiff is in my life in adelaide man. haa :D

Tomorrow is our gay drama night. I am SO looking forward to it! yippee!!

Alright report has 800 words. another 1000 to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

daphne! didnt have time to read blogs lately, but jus stumble upon this entry! and realise it is about ME!! heh, but honestly, i'm praying i can go becos afterall it's my graduation sem, need consent from the Stats head and sci dean... *keeping my fingers crossed* but if i'm really do go to berkeley, PLEASE visit me!! i bet i'll be super homesick at a place millions of miles away from home!! -chuyun