Thursday, February 14, 2008

nearing the end.


After a rather nerve wrecking case presentation to the very smart and knowledgeable bunch of doctors at PICU on Wednesday, it's nearing the end of my stint at PICU. I presented on this 11 year old boy suffering from disseminated staph. aureus infection (pneumonia, vertebral osteomyelitis, epidural abscess.) I couldn't believe that I could rattle on non stop about epidural abscesses, especially when I realise that I hardly know a thing or two before preparing for the presentation.

Anyhow I followed my plan and baked cookies and banana bread. The cookies were really well-received; my registrar ate 6. She must have either really liked the cookies or the stress of enduring a night shift really got to her. Victor brought a batch of my baked goods for his team and they were well received too! yay. I'm a happy camper.

And then it was assessment time today. Yay I got my first A of the year! Pretty happy about it. Further considering the fact that I managed to thoroughly enjoy my time and learn heaps makes it all the sweeter. And as vic puts it, "that's absolutely awesome."

Yeap.. so now, onward to Cardiology! I feel a run of tachycardia already.

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