Wednesday, August 24, 2005

a field, a ball and many players

Yesterday's weather was so good. Sunny and cool. When perspiration wouldn't irritate you the way it does in Singapore. Joanne and I were the only girls around but we both scored a goal each! Probably beginner's luck or something. I do not think I am any good at soccer.

It was a good run I suppose. Chasing and trying to tackle balls, but most of the times it was just a futile attempt. I am so glad that the guys did not think we were nuisance. Instead they even cheered us on and tried to correct our silly feminine moves.

Yeap.. and now my body is aching. Now I know why guys can eat SO much and not grow fat. It must be the soccer.

I shall play more soccer. ;D

1 comment:

Quirky fidz said...

1 step forward, 5 steps backward.

1 gram of fat lost, 5 grams of fat gained..
